iOS 17 Beta Now Available for Download, Excludes Update for 3 Popular iPhones

iOS 17 Beta Now Available for Download, Excludes Update for 3 Popular iPhones

iOS 17 Beta Now Available for Download, Excludes Update for 3 Popular iPhones


The iOS 17 beta has finally arrived, bringing with it a wave of excitement among Apple enthusiasts. This much-anticipated release promises a range of new features and enhancements. However, it's important to note that the update will not be available for three popular iPhone models. In this article, we delve into the details of the iOS 17 beta launch and explore the iPhones that won't receive the update.

What's New in iOS 17 Beta?

iOS 17 beta introduces a plethora of innovative features and improvements that are sure to impress users. Expect enhanced performance, advanced privacy measures, a revamped home screen, and revamped notifications. The beta version also brings cutting-edge augmented reality (AR) capabilities and a higher level of customization options, providing a more personalized and immersive user experience.

Exclusion of 3 Popular iPhones from iOS 17 Update:

Regrettably, Apple has made the decision to exclude three well-liked iPhone models from receiving the iOS 17 update. The iPhones affected by this exclusion are the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE (1st generation). Although these devices have served their users faithfully, Apple has cited hardware limitations as the primary reason behind their exclusion from the latest update.

Reasons for Exclusion:

The decision to exclude the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE (1st generation) from the iOS 17 update is primarily driven by their aging hardware. As each iOS version incorporates more advanced features and demands increased processing power, older devices may struggle to meet these requirements. By focusing on devices that can effectively support the latest software enhancements, Apple aims to ensure a seamless user experience.
Alternatives for Users with Excluded iPhones:
Users who own the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, or iPhone SE (1st generation) still have viable alternatives to consider. Although these devices won't receive the iOS 17 update, they can continue to benefit from previous iOS versions that are compatible with their hardware. Moreover, Apple remains committed to providing security patches and bug fixes for older iOS versions, ensuring that these devices remain functional and secure.


The arrival of the iOS 17 beta is cause for celebration, as it brings a wealth of new features and enhancements to Apple's mobile operating system. However, it's important to note that the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE (1st generation) will not receive the iOS 17 update. Apple's decision is driven by hardware limitations, as the company strives to deliver an optimal user experience. Owners of these excluded iPhones can explore alternative options and still receive necessary software updates to keep their devices secure.

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